Stormtech Jackets: the watertight range our staff wear
If you're looking for a waterproof for your workforce or a padded jacket or gilet for extra warmth in the colder months, then the Stormtech range can fill every requirement. These garments are so good, they are a favourite of our team.
Some of us of a certain age will remember the Monty Python comedy sketch 'When I was a lad' In a broad yorkshire accent 4 comedians were competing with each other as to how hard life was back then.
Now it's my turn and certainly many things have changed for the better.
The Snorkel Parka, Bubble Coat, Stanley jacket, and the Regatta Dover Waterproof
Probably the very first jacket or anorak I ever sold was possibly in 1973 age 11 years, while working on Blackburn 3 day market. It was a navy blue or was it green, with a quilted lining.
School Leavers Hoodies 2023
We all love our hoodies, they are our comfy go to garment, available in every colour or colour combination. From toddlers sizes to extremely large sizes the hoodie is now 'our go' to casual top.